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Writer's pictureWilll Stockbridge

How to Solve Your Shopify Conversion Rate Woes

Updated: May 18, 2022

Many a Shopify store owner will have to confront this issue at some point during their time and for many this can seem like an insurmountable task. You will probably have tried everything you can think of from lowering prices to special offers to mystical SEO strategies, and yet your troubles remain. Well, ShopHub is here to help and in this article will be a plethora of solutions to the complex world of conversion issues. We will include tips on how to convert searches to clicks, clicks to shopping baskets and shopping baskets to sales. So without much a do here are our top tips to improve your conversion rate.


Converting Searches to Clicks

Converting searches to clicks often relies on SEO and how well your Shopify page ranks for the search terms you want it to rank for. Our experience with conversion rate issues here normally lie with your off-page SEO rather than your on-page SEO.

1. Take a Look at the Bigger Picture

Often times it isn’t that specific search term that you are failing to rank for, but rather the layout of your whole Shopify page lets you down. When Google ranks an article for a specific keyword, take the phrase “conversion rate” it will handle all of the traditional on-page SEO such as keyword density, keyword use in headings, etc. This is most likely what your focus has been or what traditional advice has taught you.

However, the off-page SEO (the rest of your Shopify site) may be at fault. Ask yourself, is your website optimal? Is it easy to follow? Can you access your products easily from the homepage? Even if you are not sure then do take a look because chances are if you, the website owner, are struggling then Google will as well.

2. Update Your Images

Naturally, alongside any word based searches relevant pictures will come up as well. In the world of Shopify that is important because many buyers may base their decision off the way the product looks in the picture even over other metrics like the description or customer reviews.

So, what we are telling you is to take advantage of this. Take care over your product pictures, maybe even get some professional help, make sure to use pictures that show off your product- that are eye catching. These are the pictures that will convert simple searches to website traffic and beyond.

3. Check Your Niche

Shopify and niches go hand in hand, and when trying to up your conversion rate it can be a handy thing to keep in mind. It might well be the case that the phrases that you are trying to rank for either receive little traffic, have a high level of competition from other sites or suffer from both.

Your problem is not the problem, the problem is your attitude about the problem. -Captain Jack Sparrow

The way to remedy this is simple, seek conversion from the right phrases. Find phrases that receive high traffic or have low competition (or ideally both) and aim your SEO strategy at these phrases. For identifying such phrases, we would personally recommend Moz’s extension tool that we have kindly linked here.


Converting Clicks to Shopping Baskets

So, you have taken advantage of our tips above and you are starting to convert searches to clicks. However, this is all well and good but how to you actually get traffic to add and then buy your products. This next section is about exactly that.

1. Why Should Someone Buy it?

When designing the store pages for your Shopify website ask yourself this question. What makes your product different from the same one sold by someone else? Maybe your product is more sustainable than others? Perhaps you offer more options than your competitors? Whatever makes you different, emphasize that.

In the products description make sure to stress this key difference. Maybe add a little watermark in the corner of the pictures displaying this. This is what will set you apart from the rest and turns a casual browse into a serious consideration.

2. Stock Products you Know People Want

It might well be the case that the reason people do not buy your products is because they do not want them, it does not matter how well your products are marketed, how well your Shopify site is organized, if your products are ones that are not popular then your conversion rate will remain low.

Now, we are not telling you to follow trends but to understand how to incorporate your niche into commonly bought products. You could go a step further and ensure that the products that you sell are ones that need to be bought regularly to ensure that customers come back.

3. Reviews, Reviews, Reviews

People value the opinions of others and when making a decision, say whether or not to buy from a certain Shopify store, they will use the opinions of others to influence their own. We are clearly referencing reviews here and they are your best friend in upping those conversion rates.

Make sure that there is the option to add a review for every product you sell. If you are struggling to get reviews because you can’t get customers, turn to friends and family for help. Just having one or two positive reviews per product will help turn around your conversion troubles.


Converting Shopping Baskets to Sales

This is the third and final stage of any Shopify business and is the final source of conversion woe.

1. Simplify the Process

Sadly people are not nearly as patient as you might think and will not spend time doing something that they deem to be a waste. This includes the checkout process and more specifically your checkout process. If it is long winded with multiple forms demanding seemingly unnecessary information, then customers simply will not go through with it.

Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication. - Leonardo da Vinci

Instead take a while to streamline the process, ask questions that are only strictly necessary and make each form as responsive as possibly. This will keep a customer’s commitment to you and ensure you that sale.

2. Allow People Options

Delivery options are quite commonplace now with most companies offering a standard rate with a more expensive faster option. Why not follow suite and add your own?

All you need for this is some first class stamps and an option on your Shopify site. If you are worried about workload and becoming smothered by orders then simply follow this rule- for every order posted with standard delivery, post two with fast delivery. This will keep continuity of delivery time and you calm. This bird knows the value of freedom, and so should you.

3. Don’t be Pushy

It would be unwise to try to be pushy in these scenarios. We would not recommend sending an email along the lines of “You left this item in your basket”. There is most likely a reason that the item was left behind and it was not because they forgot.

Instead, try and find a trend. Is it only certain products that are being left behind? Do you fall victim of some of the pitfalls mentioned above? Self reflection is vital for Shopify success.


That is all for this article, make sure to check out our other works as they are bound to give some food for thought. If you have any further questions regarding this article or the others posted on the blog then do not hesitate to contact us, we are here to help.

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1 Comment

Jun 07, 2022

so many things I hadn't considered - thank you!


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